Friday, April 2, 2010

Moon (2009)

This movie was fantastic. It's not very often that I see a movie I enjoy as much as I enjoyed this masterpiece.
The premise is slightly disturbing. Not a bad disturbing, more of an "enjoyable disturbing". Which is an extremely fine line, and "Moon" walked it like a pro. The movie is much more enjoyable when you do not know what's going to happen, (at least I didn't and I really enjoyed it) so I am not going to spoil this one for you. The ending of this movie isn't odd - it's the entire movie. The beginning starts as you'd expect from seeing the previews. Sam Rockwell plays the lone (or so he thinks... *dun dun duuuuun*) astronaut, Sam Bell, running the equipment mining "helium-3", the newest, cleanest, most effective source of energy, producing 70% of the world's total energy. The background is well developed, but they don't waste time. They explain the background quickly and effectively (and maybe a little too vaguely) but all around they do a fine job of it. He is at the end of his 3-year stint on the moon and is readying to head back home to his wife Tess, (or so he thinks... there are some major plot twists, if you haven't picked up on that yet.) but is involved in a lunar rover accident two weeks before "heading home". So... Sam wakes up from an "accident" and finds the crashed rover, and consequently 'himself'. Then chaos ensues... as I would do if I just found myself. While I was alone on the moon.
The plot isn't as confusing when you watch the movie. It is hard to explain it without giving anything away, so that's why it seems so confusing. Anywho, the movie is fantastic as I said earlier. The acting was absolutely phenomenal. I am kind of an acting whore, because I am not a fan of movies with bad actors. Sam Rockwell is amazing. The plot is completely original, and an original sci-fi plot is like finding a needle in a haystack... I'm sorry that simile was terrible. I tried to come up with something more creative but it's late and I'm tired. So an overused cliche is the only thing you're getting. So accept it. Back on topic...
This movie deserved any good reviews it got. Any bad reviews, the critic should be slapped. The movie was slightly slow moving, but that was the only negative aspect i could find. I absolutely loved it. Watch it, and hopefully you will too.

Overall Rating: 9.4 out of 10.0

Categories: "Intelligent Man Movie" "Awesome!"

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it better myself! I complete agree.
